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Each year, the International Produced Water Conference and Exhibition gathers industry professionals with a common mission to improve the management and disposition of Produced Water, through the facilitation and exchange of technical knowledge.

Africa has a unique range of produced water issues, and Nigerian oil producers are pioneers in thinking of produced water as a resource not a cost and are leaders in applying new technologies and approaches. Therefore, this is an avenue to create a community of Produced Water professionals in Nigeria with a shared depth of knowledge, and to catalyse change in Produced Water management.

The event provides an environment for sharing innovations and ideas for improving the technologies available for treating, troubleshooting, debottlenecking, and analyzing produced water.

It provides an entry point for young professionals to gain knowledge and experience

A platform for regulators, operators, vendors, academics and other members to network, provide educational materials and resources to attendees and be a catalyst for change in the management of produced water


Presentations and slides will be made available on request

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